07/02/2025 2:22 AM

Michele Mellison

Clear Accounting

Best Practices in Technology Adoption

Best Practices in Technology Adoption


Technology is transforming businesses across the globe. The use of technology in business has increased by 57 percent since 2017, and over 72 percent of respondents to a survey said that their company would invest in digital transformation within the next year. This rapid growth means that more companies need to be ready for change, but not all are prepared for what comes with adoption.

Best Practices in Technology Adoption

Emphasize clear goals and expectations.

  • Emphasize the importance of setting clear goals and expectations.
  • Set goals based on what you want to accomplish, not just what technology can do.
  • Make sure your team is aligned around those goals, so they know how to use the tools in support of them.

Prepare your team to adopt technology.

Your team is ready to adopt technology when they know how it can help them do their job better. To prepare your team for technology adoption, you’ll need to:

  • Provide training on how the new tools work and what they can do for the organization.
  • Show how the new tool will make people’s lives easier (and therefore more enjoyable). For example, if there’s a way that an app can take care of data entry tasks faster or more accurately than before–show them! You should also show how this saves time, reduces errors and makes everyone happier because they don’t have as much work on their plates anymore.

Consider what’s best for you, your users and your business.

When you’re thinking about adopting a new technology, consider what’s best for you, your users and your business. This may seem like an obvious statement but it’s important to keep these three factors in mind when making decisions about whether or not to adopt a new piece of software or hardware.

For example, if you’re a small business owner with only one employee who works remotely from home on occasion and has no plans to hire any other employees anytime soon, then adopting something like Slack might not make sense because (1) there won’t be anyone else using it; (2) the cost would outweigh any potential benefits; and (3) there are better alternatives available at lower prices that still provide many of the same features as Slack does without requiring special hardware like video calls via Skype or Google Hangouts.

Identify the right skillsets and positions first.

Identifying the right skillsets and positions first is a crucial step in any technology adoption process. This can be done by conducting a skills gap analysis to understand where your organization currently stands, then comparing that data with strategic goals for growth.

Once you’ve identified what you need from employees, it’s time to put together an effective hiring strategy!

Understand how technology can address pain points.

  • Understand how technology can address pain points.
  • Technology is a tool, and like any other tool it can be used to solve problems or create new ones. To get the most out of your investment in technology, it’s important to understand how that technology will help you achieve your business goals–and whether there are other ways of achieving those same goals that would cost less money or time.
  • For example: If you’re looking at building an internal app for payroll processing because employees have been complaining about having to wait several days after payday before they can access their paychecks online (which means they have no idea how much money they’ll have until it hits their accounts), then maybe instead of building an app from scratch or even re-tooling an existing product like Intuit’s QuickBooks Online Payroll solution (which costs $19 per employee per month), another option could be simply setting up direct deposit with each employee’s bank account so that all paychecks are deposited directly into their accounts as soon as they’re issued by HR without having them wait for processing time first.”

Build a clear plan of action with goals, milestones and metrics in place.

Before you start on a solution, it’s important to define the problem.

What are your goals? Are they ambitious yet realistic? Have you given yourself enough time and energy to achieve them? If not, then you need to re-evaluate your plan of action.

The best way to do this is by setting tangible fitness goals that can be achieved within 3-6 months of starting your new routine (such as losing 5{b863a6bd8bb7bf417a957882dff2e3099fc2d2367da3e445e0ec93769bd9401c} body fat).

Use technology that allows for quick decision-making.

Use technology that allows for quick decision-making.

Technology should be used to make decisions quickly and efficiently, so that you can get back to doing what you love: running your business! Technology should allow for fast analysis of data, quick communication with clients and partners, as well as collaboration with other team members who might live in different states or countries.

Technology can help businesses run more efficiently but only if it is implemented carefully and strategically

The technology you choose to implement in your business will help it run more efficiently. However, only if it’s implemented carefully and strategically. Consider the following factors when implementing technology:

  • What are your goals? For example, do you want to improve customer service or increase sales? How can technology help achieve these goals?
  • Who is involved in making decisions about which technologies to use and how they should be implemented? This may include executives, managers and other employees who use the technology every day (for example at an airline company).
  • What resources are available for training new users on how best utilize them (e-learning courses)?


Technology can be a powerful tool for businesses, but it’s important to remember that it is only one piece of the puzzle. The key is to use technology strategically and efficiently so that your company can stay competitive in today’s world where innovation and digital transformation are becoming increasingly important.